Course Description

This course is intended for students k-12, please find the respective grade lessons in the course chapters. This course focuses on role models, the importance of relationships, and building a strong local community. This course is intended for classrooms raising funds for their local Big Brothers Big Sisters chapter.

Early Entrepreneurs Inc. © 2015

Founder, Startup Skool

Kimberly Cope

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Grades K - 2

    • What is a Role Model?

    • Do You Have a Role Model?

    • Imitation Game

    • Imitation Game Gone Wrong

    • What Do We Know?

    • Draw Your Role Model

    • Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • Kids Share Their Stories on Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • Together We Can Make a Difference

    • Big Brothers Big Sisters & Startup Skool

  • 2

    Grades 3 - 4

    • What is a Role Model?

    • Do You Have a Role Model?

    • Imitation Game

    • Imitation Game Continued

    • What Do We Know?

    • Questions Continued

    • Mentoring in the Community

    • Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • What Did We Notice?

    • Mentoring in the Community

    • Startup Skool & Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • Working With Big Brothers Big Sisters

  • 3

    Grades 5 - 8

    • What is a Role Model?

    • Role Models as Mentors

    • What is Big Brothers Big Sisters?

    • Mentoring In School

    • What Do We Already Know?

    • Positive Vs. Negative Role Models

    • Big Brothers Big Sister's Impact

    • When Mentorship is Critical

    • Startup Skool & Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • Startup Skool Working With Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • (Additional) Mentoring for Young Girls

    • Mentorship for Young Girls

  • 4

    Grades 9 - 10

    • Grade 9 - 10 Invest In Me

    • Fast Facts

    • What is Mentorship?

    • Good Vs. Poor Role Models

    • Start Something

    • Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • Did You Know?

    • Importance of Mentorship

    • Working With BBBS

  • 5

    Grade 11-12

    • Invest in Me Grade 11-12

    • Fast Facts

    • Fast Facts 2

    • What is Mentorship?

    • Mentorship

    • Mentoring in Our School

    • Formal vs. Informal Mentoring

    • Good vs. Poor Role Models

    • Mentorship & Mental Health

    • Positive Mental Health

    • BBBS

    • Did You Know...

    • Working With BBBS