Course Description

Within this program youth will learn creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and financial literacy all while starting their own business. This curriculum contains videos, content slides, educator guidelines, assessments, and extra resources.

Please note, this program will require you to provide a $100 micro-loan for your class. You may choose a smaller or larger amount but we highly recommend providing a micro-loan to your class to ensure they gain the right financial literacy skills.

Early Entrepreneurs Inc. © 2016

Startup Skool

Welcome!Ready to change the world?#OneClassAtATime

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Educators Complete This First

    • Educators Guideline

    • Additional Lesson Plans

    • Templates

    • Student Workbooks

  • 2

    Unit 1: Startup Skool

    • Early Entrepreneurs

    • What is Startup Skool?

    • What is a Loan?

    • What is an entrepreneur?

    • What is a business?

    • Types of Business

    • Industries

  • 3

    Unit 2: Ideas

    • Let's Get Creative!

    • Creativity Game

    • Ideas Through Needs

    • Our Ideas Through Problems

    • Our Ideas

    • Deciding Amongst Ideas

  • 4

    Unit 3: Ella's Poms

    • Ella's Story

    • Starting Your Business

    • Designing

    • Designing With Reason

    • Market Research

    • Marketing

    • Marketing for Who, What, Where, When & Why

    • Designing a Logo

    • Operations

    • Running a Business

    • The Steps Involved

  • 5

    Unit 4: All About The Money!

    • Ella's Finances

    • Finance

    • Budget

    • Budget Example

    • Managing Your Money

    • Comparing Business Budgets

  • 6

    Unit 5: Business Model Canvas

    • What is a Business Model Canvas

    • BMC

  • 7

    Make a Pitch!

    • Pitch

    • ​Creating the perfect pitch

    • Order Your Pitch

    • Pitch Example

    • Congratulations!

    • What's Next?

    • Finance Team

    • Operations Team

    • Marketing Team

    • Design Team