Course Description

This course provides a young students first introduction to entrepreneurship and giving back. Students will learn how a business works, the importance of teamwork, and working towards a common goal. We highly recommend having older students grades 2-3 work with and mentor the younger students k-1. This allows your older students to truly take on a leadership role while allowing the younger students to develop new skills. Let's work together to give your students their first taste of real world experience and to make an impact in our world!

Early Entrepreneurs Inc. © 2016

Please note, this program will require you to provide a $100 micro-loan for your class. You may choose a smaller or larger amount but we highly recommend providing a micro-loan to your class to ensure they gain the right financial literacy skills.

Founder, Startup Skool

Kimberly Cope

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Educators Read This First

    • Teacher Guidelines Grade k - 3

    • Templates

    • Additional Lesson Plans

    • Student Workbooks

    • Class Examples

  • 2

    Unit 1: Exploring Needs vs. Wants

    • Unit 1

    • 1.1 Needs

    • Examples

    • 1.2 Wants

    • Examples

    • 1.3 Wants Vs. Needs

    • 1.4 Are We All The Same?

    • 1.5 How Can Make A Difference!

    • 1.6 Can Entrepreneurs Make a Difference?

  • 3

    Unit 2: What is Startup Skool?

    • 2.1 Startup Skool in My Classrooms

    • 2.2 What is Startup Skool?

    • 2.3 What does Startup Skool Do?

    • 2.4 Entrepreneur

    • 2.5 Entrepreneur Definition

    • 2.6 Business

    • 2.7 Business Definition

    • 2.8 Mico-Loan

    • 2.9 Micro-Loan Definition

    • 2.10 Do We Know Any Entrepreneurs?

    • 2.11 Think of Business Like Bees!

    • 2.12 Be a Bee!

  • 4

    Unit 3: Act Like a Business

    • Unit 3

    • 3.1 Let's Act Like a Business

    • Business 1:

    • Business 2:

    • Business 3:

    • Congratulations

    • 3.2 Earn vs. Spend

  • 5

    Unit 4: Ella Poms

    • Unit 4

    • 4.2 Meet Ella

    • 4.3 Ella Poms Story

    • 4.4 Ella Poms

    • 4.5 What about designing a product?

    • 4.6 Product Design

    • 4.7 Designing a Product or Service

    • 4.8 Brainstorm

    • 4.9 Brainstorm II

    • 4.10 Running the business

    • 4.11 Ella Poms Operations

    • 4.12 Operations

    • 4.13 Marketing Your Business

    • 4.14 Marketing with Ella

    • 4.15 Marketing

  • 6

    Unit 5: Budgeting & Goal Setting

    • Welcome to Unit 5

    • 5.1 Finance Tips from Ella

    • 5.2 Budgeting

    • 5.3 Let's Create Our Own Budget

    • 5.4 Budget for a Restaurant

    • Money Available

    • 5.6 Spending our $100 micro-loan

    • 5.7 Setting a Financial Goal

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    Unit 6: Planning & Pitching

    • Welcome to Unit 6

    • 6.1 Planning The Business

    • 6.2 Can We Bring Our Ideas To Life?!

    • 6.3 Making a Pitch

    • 6.4 What Information to Include

    • 6.5 Pitch Example

    • 6.5b Pitch Example

    • 6.6 Time to Get Into Teams

    • 6.7 Ready Set Go!

    • Marketing Team

    • Design Team

    • Finance Team

    • Operations Team